Festa Junina is a traditional Brazilian festival that takes place throughout June. Initially, the holiday was religious and was held in honor of St. John (São João). However, from the time he lost his religious coloring. The holiday came to Brazil from Catholic Europe along with the Portuguese.
Festa Junina
Typically, fairs with various traditional dishes and entertainments are held throughout the country during this festival. The culinary symbols of the holiday are corn dishes, the crop of which, just falls on this period. Here are some of these dishes: pammon (pamonha – corn puree with various additives, wrapped in corn leaves), kurau (curau de milho verde – sweetened from grated corn and coconut milk), boiled corn, canjica (canjica – sweet corn porridge), corn muffin (bolo de milho), couscous, popcorn, corn bread (broa de fubá) and some others. Of the drinks you can highlight mulled wine (vinho quente), which is traditional for the holiday.
Otherwise, the festival is more like a regular fair. These are trays with all sorts of things, a lot of food, a lot of drinks and many different entertainments and attractions.