Forget about those sugary energy drinks! It’s time to try something better and natural!
Diet, exercise, and sleep
First and foremost it is imperative that you eat a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, protein, etc.), combined with an exercise routine and adequate amount of sleep each night. This combination will surely (and naturally) boost your energy.
Fruit such as bananas, apples, and berries
These fruits (and really any fruit) are great energy boosters because of their natural sugar content. Don’t be afraid of natural sugars, especially when they are combined with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants just to name a few!
Salmon and other types of fish contain a long list of vitamins, minerals, and several other essential benefits to our bodies. One of which is Omega 3. Salmon, in particular, is a great source of Omega 3. Omega 3 is said to serve as an anti-inflammatory agent that can relieve inflammation and boost energy.
Energy-boosting beverages may seem rather obvious to many of you. The most obvious being coffee or other caffeinated beverages. These can be great options but it is important to steer clear of anything with added sugar, high sodium content, and other possibly dangerous chemicals. Check with your doctor before trying a new energy drink.
Water is an all-around magical ingredient. Water is essential for survival for a reason! And, one of these endless benefits of drinking water happens to be boosting your energy!
Smoothies and juice
Fruit and vegetable smoothies or juices are a great way to get those essential servings of fruits and vegetables that will also give you that much-needed energy boost!
Here is an example of a fruit and vegetable smoothie that is simple, nutritious, and energy-boosting! Feel free to tweak, change, add, subtract, and make it your own!
Energy Smoothie Recipe: 5-Ingredient Kale Pineapple Smoothie
- ¼ c pineapple, frozen
- 1 c kale or 2 kale leaves, de-stemmed
- 1 tbsp coconut oil or coconut butter
- ½ avocado
- 1 c water or coconut water {or sub milk or nut milk of choice}
- Optional: 1 tsp matcha green tea for extra energy boost
- Optional: ½ c full fat plain Greek yogurt {great for making smoothie pops}
- Optional: ½ banana to replace avocado
- Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until smoothie reaches desired consistency. Feel free to add ice or adjust liquid based on personal preference.
Vitamins and mineral supplements
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is one of the most frequently taken vitamins to boost energy. It is possible to get vitamin B12 naturally from a healthy and balanced diet. However, they do make vitamin B12 supplements that can be taken, as well. In fact, vitamin B12 is frequently deficient in the elderly, as well as those with digestive issues and vegans.
Iron may not seem like an energy-boosting supplement, but it actually could do just that! How? Well, many people suffer from anemia (low levels of iron in the blood). People with anemia will often feel tired, fatigued, lack of energy, and weak. By taking an iron supplement, their iron levels will be brought back to normal, and the anemia symptoms are therefore resolved.
Omega 3
If you’re not a fish person you may want to consider an Omega 3 supplement! For some people, inflammation in the body causes them to feel fatigued as well as many other uncomfortable symptoms. Omega 3 is said to act as an anti-inflammatory. Therefore, you can take an Omega 3 supplement, decrease inflammation in your body (as well as various other health benefits that come from taking Omega 3) and increase your energy!