Applegate (8/23)


    Founded in 1987, Applegate Farms, LLC produces high-quality natural and organic hot dogs, bacon, sausages, deli meats, cheese and frozen products. Our products are made without GMO ingredients, and we source from farms where animals are treated with care and respect and are allowed to grow at their natural rate, all part of our mission – Changing The Meat We Eat®. Natural can mean many things, but to Applegate natural means our food is:

    • From animals Applegate humanely raised without antibiotics, added hormones or growth promotants
    • From animals fed a vegetarian or pasture-centered diet (our beef is 100 percent grass-fed)
    • Free of added chemical nitrites, nitrates or phosphates
    • Free of artificial ingredients or preservatives

    Applegate became a stand-alone subsidiary of Hormel Foods in July 2015.

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